
2023年12月15日—UsecaseorproblemSomePDFsmakeanintensiveuseofinternallinkstorefertoanothersectioninthesamedocument.,Theinternal-destinationpropertyoffo:basic-linkindicatestolinktoapositioninthesamedocument.ItsdestinationmaybeeitheranIDorapagenumber.,HowtoaddhyperlinksinaPDF.·1.ChooseTools›EditPDF›Link›AddorEdit.·2.Dragarectanglewhereyouwanttocreatealink.·3.IntheCreateLink ...,Tocreateaninternalh...

Preview for PDF internal links

2023年12月15日 — Use case or problem Some PDFs make an intensive use of internal links to refer to an other section in the same document.

Links in PDF

The internal-destination property of fo:basic-link indicates to link to a position in the same document. Its destination may be either an ID or a page number.

How to add a hyperlink within a PDF

How to add hyperlinks in a PDF. · 1. Choose Tools › Edit PDF › Link › Add or Edit. · 2. Drag a rectangle where you want to create a link. · 3. In the Create Link ...


To create an internal hyperlink in a PDF document do the following: 1 ... In the Create Link dialog box, choose the rectangle type (visible or invisible).

How to Create PDFs with Bookmarks and Internal Links

“Internal links” serve a similar function, except that instead of being displayed in a navigation pane of PDF reader software, they are imbedded directly into ...

Links and attachments in PDFs, Adobe Acrobat

4 天前 — PDF links are pointers within a document that direct users to a specific location within the same document or to an external resource like ...

How To find internal links in a PDF file?

I am using ItextSharp for searching internal links in a PDF file. This is already done with External Links. //Get the current page PdfDictionary Pa...

Link to Page in PDF with Easy Ways [Internal and External ...

2023年3月13日 — Here is how to do it. Step 1: First open the PDF in Drive, and select text on the page you want to jump to;. Step 2: Click the pop-up plus icon ...